On Saturday and Sunday, the kids really get going at 3RIDES. Skill courses, riding technique training, balance bike races and fat tire races - lots of fun and action awaits the little bike fans in the Kids Area!

With the Velotiade and the Kids Rad Diplom, our partners, the Radsportverband NRW and the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer, offer a very practical, fun and educational program.
For younger children on balance bikes and of primary school age, the Kids Bike Diploma is all about bike safety. Good braking, mastering the bike and being able to keep going for a kilometer are just as much part of the program as the spectacular balance bike race.

The slightly older children, from eight to 14 years, complete exciting challenges on the course, in the sprint and in the fat tire race.
The following applies to the entire program: If possible, please bring your own bike and helmet, as this is always the best way to practice. However, rental equipment will also be available.

And so that the parents can also relax in the meantime: Trained professionals accompany the little ones on their adventures.